


Here at three peaks we are passionate about the game of basketball and want to help you take your game to the next level - whether that's making a COBO or high school team, becoming a starter, or honing your basketball skills. In our clinics, individuals, and camps we focus on skill development and fundamentals to help you reach your basketball goals. Start your journey with us today! At Three Peaks, we are committed to developing a culture of leaders on and off the court, to impact the community in a positive way. 


Three Peaks was founded by former collegiate athletes Alyssa (Martin) Loveday and Jacki Gulczynski. Alyssa and Jacki shared a vision for a program that built youth basketball in central Oregon on the values of community, development and passion.

Community: building strong characters and leaders through young people in Central Oregon.

Development: improving the skills of our players through the foundation of fundamentals.

Passion: approaching every workout with focus and effort for the love of the game.

Beginning in 2017 Jacki and Alyssa began Three Peaks with these values in mind. The program began with small clinics and camps and one travel team. Since then Three Peaks has grown to 17 spring/summer travel teams, 20+ coaches and over 200 yearly participants.  


"We cannot say enough about Jacki and Alyssa or be any more excited about the service they provide. From their innovative, progressive, fun and challenging drills - to their contagious enthusiasm and lovable personalities - we love everything they offer our daughter. Kasey, our daughter, sincerely looks forward to every session and has gained enormously from their vast knowledge of the game."